The HHSP objectives strive to create sustainable change that will transform our communities, schools, health care, and worksites to support the health of the people of Hawaiʻi. Stakeholders developed the HHSP objectives to shape policy, systems and environmental change in the four sector areas: Community Design and Access; Education; Health Care; and Worksite. The objectives are showcased by sector area and include key strategies, baseline, and target measures. The HHSP is meant to be a living document that is reviewed and updated throughout the plan’s timeframe. Implementation of the plan will be a collective effort by individuals and organizations across the state.

Sector Area Description: The Health Care Sector includes places such as public and private health care delivery sites.

Sector Area Goal: All of Hawaiʻi’s health care systems will promote health equity and maximize utilization of prevention, early detection, and evidence-based chronic disease self-management services by improving coverage, health information technology, programs, practices, and guidelines.

Health Care Sector Objectives
  • Identify key Health Information Technology (HIT) stakeholders to establish a HIT workgroup
  • Convene HIT workgroup regularly to identify the HIT priorities to enhance population health
Baseline : 0 Target : 6 Status as of : 07/01/2023 0
  • Implement priorities identified by the HIT workgroup (e.g., implement bidirectional referral systems between health care organizations and self-management education programs or create a GIS map of chronic disease cases to inform targeted health communication and resource utilization)
Baseline : 0 Target : 50% Status as of : 07/01/2023 0
  • Identify key stakeholders to establish a team-based care workgroup
  • Convene team-based care workgroup regularly to identify measurable outcomes indicative of team-based care
  • Report identified outcomes at least annually
Baseline : 0 Target : 5 Status as of : 07/01/2023 0
  • Implement priorities identified by the team-based care workgroup (e.g., increase use of pharmacists in medication management to increase physical patient panels, increase use of non-physician telehealth for Asthma Self-Management (ASME), or increase use of Community Health Workers (CHW) in patient care coordination)
Baseline : Pending Target : Increase by 5% Status as of : 07/01/2023 0
  • Identify existing literature/guidance/cost benefit analysis on ASME coverage
  • Collaborate with Medicaid and provide guidance on ASME coverage and eligibility
Baseline : 1 Target : 5 Status as of 07/01/2023 : 1
  • Identify key stakeholders to establish a HIT workgroup
  • Convene HIT workgroup regularly to identify the HIT priorities to enhance Hepatitis B vaccination rates
  • Assess capacity of partner Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) to track and remind providers about Hepatitis B immunization rates
  • Compile best practice models to increase immunization rates using HIT at FQHCs
  • Identify and secure resources to implement HIT at partner FQHCs
Baseline : Pending Target : Increase by 10 Status as of 07/01/2023 : 1
  • Identify pharmacies that serve communities at risk for Hepatitis B (e.g., Asian and Pacific Islander populations)
  • Develop a workplan for increasing patient recruitment and reimbursement
  • Identify and secure resources to implement the workplan
Baseline : 0 Target : 10 Status as of 07/01/2023 : 13
Date Met : 6/30/2023
  • Partner with the Hawaiʻi Primary Care Association to increase and implement evidence-based interventions(EBI) at FQHCs.
  • Identify resources and secure funding for implementation
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of the implementation of the EBI
Baseline Target Status Date- 07/01/2023
Lung 8.5% 9.5% 13.9%
Breast 87.0% 97.4% 83.7%
Cervical 82.7% 92.6% 80.2%
Colorectal 75.1% 84.1% 77.1%
  • Develop an educational and promotional program that emphasizes the importance of advance care planning and having an Advance Health Care Directive
  • Provide education to health professionals about the benefits of advance care planning that includes sensitivity to culturally diverse patient needs
  • Educate employers on the importance of advance care planning, especially Advance Health Care Directive
Baseline : 65.8% Target : 70.5% Status as of 07/01/2023 : 65.8%
  • Conduct an assessment of Commission on Cancer accredited cancer programs in the state on their methods of providing treatment summaries and cancer survivorship care plans
  • Develop a plan in partnership with the HCCC Quality of Life Action Team members to educate cancer survivors on the benefits of treatment summaries and cancer survivorship care plans
  • Develop a training for health care providers on ways to increase utilization of treatment summaries and cancer survivorship care plans
Baseline Target Status Date- 07/01/2023
Treatment Summaries 43.8% 49.5% 49.0%
Cancer Survivorship Care Plans 32.1% 33.1% 27.5%
  • Identify and review existing literature/guidance on Medication Therapy Management (MTM) and Self-Measured Blood Pressure Monitoring (SMBPM) reimbursement
  • Collaborate with Medicaid and provide guidance on reimbursement for MTM and/or SMBPM
Baseline : 0 Target : 1 Status as of 07/01/2023 : 0
  • Expand coverage for Diabetes Prevention Programs (DPPs), or evidence-based DPP-like programs (e.g., Pili 'Ohana Department of Native Hawaiian Health)
  • Work with providers, health system payers, and worksites to increase awareness of and referrals to covered PAN programs
  • Participate in Health Information Technology (HIT) workgroup to discuss potential referral options between health care organizations and self-management education programs related to physical activity and nutrition
Baseline : Pending Target : Increase by 5% Status as of 07/01/2023 : Pending
Activities Responsible Parties Completed By
1. Expand coverage for and increase enrollment in Diabetes Prevention Programs (DPPs) or evidence-based DPP-like programs (e.g., Pili ‘Ohana Department of Native Hawaiian Health, bike, park, and/or produce prescriptions) HIPHI; DOH; AlohaCare; Hawaii Primary Care Association (HPCA) 2025
2. Work with providers, health system payers, and worksites to increase awareness of, and referrals to, covered DPPs HIPHI; DOH; AlohaCare; HPCA 2024
  • Develop a statewide maternity care hospital recognition program, which sets policies and standards to support exclusive breastfeeding
  • Convene a Hawaiʻi hospital recognition program workgroup to create, administer, and evaluate the program
Baseline : 0% Target : 100% Status as of 07/01/2023 : 0%
Activities Responsible Parties Completed By
1. Convene a Hawai‘i hospital recognition program work group to develop a statewide maternity care hospital recognition program which incentivizes the adoption of policies and standards to support exclusive breastfeeding DOH; HIPHI; Hawai‘i Maternal Infant Health Collaborative; Breastfeeding Hawai‘i 2024
2. Administer and evaluate the statewide maternity care hospital recognition program DOH; HIPHI; Hawai‘i Maternal Infant Health Collaborative; Breastfeeding Hawai‘i 2025
  • Engage lactation consultants and other breastfeeding stakeholders to:-Develop reimbursement models for Medicaid and commercial payers-Pilot coverage processes
Baseline : 0 Target : 6 Status as of 07/01/2023 : 0
Activities Responsible Parties Completed By
1. Take an inventory of lactation support services that are currently covered by health insurance companies Early Childhood Action Strategy (ECAS); Hawai‘i Association of Health Plans 2024
2. Conduct a sunrise study to assess the needed structural changes Auditor’s Office; Breastfeeding Coalition 2025
3. Incorporate Community Health Workers (CHWs), doulas, Native Hawaiian health care providers into lactation care (e.g., Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) and Community Health Centers (CHCs)) FQHCs; Hawai‘i Association of Health Plans 2025
  • Integrate assessment, referral, and treatment interventions for tobacco/ nicotine use in routine care in health care systems using electronic health records.
  • Provide staff and clinician education about cessation services to increase referral to treatment after identifying patients with tobacco/nicotine addiction.
Baseline : 0 Target : 5 Status as of 07/01/2023 : 0
  • Identify relevant "health professional training programs" - such as pharmacy, nursing, medicine, dental hygiene, respiratory therapists, psychology, and other related allied health programs, where brief intervention education can be incorporated
  • Coordinate brief intervention trainings with the behavioral health and substance use treatment communities
Baseline Target Status Date- 07/01/2023
Professional training programs Pending 5 0
Health specialty organizations Pending 2 0
Long-Term Measures & Trackers

The long-term measures are broad measures that help assess progress toward achieving the Healthy Hawaiʻi Vision 2030.