Hawai‘i Heart Disease and Stroke Plan 2030

The Hawaiʻi Heart Disease and Stroke Plan (HDSP) 2030 represents a coordinated effort between stakeholders and partners throughout the state, who worked together to develop objectives and strategies that utilize data, best practices, and evidence-based science. The resulting HDSP 2030 reflects a common vision for preventing and managing heart disease and stroke to help the people of Hawaiʻi, especially those most at-risk, lead healthy lives.

Cardiovascular disease is a widespread and serious problem in both Hawaiʻi and the United States. Cardiovascular disease is a group of disorders related to the heart and blood vessels, and is the leading cause of death in Hawaiʻi.55 Across the nation, one person dies every 37 seconds from cardiovascular disease.56 Two of the most common and deadly forms of cardiovascular disease include heart disease and stroke.

Modifiable risk factors for heart disease and stroke include:
Heart Disease
and Stroke Priority Populations
  • Native Hawaiians
  • Filipinos
  • Other Pacific Islanders
  • Medicaid Beneficiaries

Despite Hawaiʻi being ranked third in the nation for heart health, there is still much more work to be done.57 Hawaiʻi has a large population of at-risk groups, such as Native Hawaiians and Other Pacific Islanders, who have higher rates of coronary heart disease, angina, history of a heart attack, and heart attack deaths than Caucasian persons.58, 55

The HDSP 2030 incorporates principles of the Social Ecological Model and is organized into four sector areas: Community Design and Access, Education, Health Care, and Worksite. The plan prioritizes goals, objectives, and strategies that lead to policy, systems, and environmental change. Objectives were developed using current data, best practices, and evidence-based science, and reflect one or more cross-cutting themes.

The HDSP 2030 is meant to be a living document that is reviewed and updated throughout the plan’s timeframe. Implementation of the plan will be a collective effort by individuals and organizations across the state.

Hawai‘i Heart Disease and Stroke Plan 2030 Objectives
Community Design & Access Sector Objectives
Community Design & Access Sector
Heart Disease and Stroke - 01

Develop and deliver at least two promotional activities to increase awareness of the preventability of heart disease and stroke.

  • Identify stakeholders to establish a communications workgroup
  • Convene communications workgroup regularly to develop messages tailored for targeted audience
  • Identify media outlets that will reach targeted audience
  • Disseminate messages through promotional activities (e.g., social media messages, posters, brochures, or other printed materials) and evaluate messages
Baseline : 0 Target : 2 Status as of 07/01/2023 : 2
Date Met : 05/06/2023
Education Sector Objectives
  • Leverage partnerships within the University of Hawaiʻi system to identify campus wellness/health services coordinator
  • Explore potential partnerships and link available resources at American Heart Association
Baseline : 0 Target : 1 Status as of 07/01/2023 : 0
Health Care Sector Objectives
  • Identify key stakeholders to establish a team-based care workgroup
  • Convene team-based care workgroup regularly to identify measurable outcomes indicative of team-based care
  • Report identified outcomes at least annually
Baseline : 0 Target : 5 Status as of 07/01/2023 : 0
  • Implement priorities identified by the team-based care workgroup (e.g., increase use of pharmacists in medication management to increase physical patient panels, increase use of non-physician telehealth for Asthma Self-Management (ASME), or increase use of Community Health Workers (CHW) in patient care coordination)
Baseline : Pending Target : Increase by 5% Status as of 07/01/2023 : 0
  • Identify and review existing literature/guidance on Medication Therapy Management (MTM) and Self-Measured Blood Pressure Monitoring (SMBPM) reimbursement
  • Collaborate with Medicaid and provide guidance on reimbursement for MTM and/or SMBPM
Baseline : 0 Target : 1 Status as of 07/01/2023 : 0
  • Identify key Health Information Technology (HIT) stakeholders to establish a HIT workgroup
  • Convene HIT workgroup regularly to identify the HIT priorities to enhance population health
Baseline : 0 Target : 6 Status as of 07/01/2023 : 0
  • Implement priorities identified by the HIT workgroup (e.g., implement bidirectional referral systems between health care organizations and self-management education programs or create a GIS map of chronic disease cases to inform targeted health communication and resource utilization)
Baseline : 0 Target : 50% Status as of 07/01/2023 : 0
Worksite Sector Objectives
  • In collaboration with Objective Heart Disease and Stroke-09, identify stakeholders to establish an advisory group to develop a Hawaiʻi-specific worksite wellness recognition program
  • Convene workgroup regularly to draft a policy
Baseline : 0 Target : 1 Status as of 07/01/2023 : 0
  • Identify stakeholders and convene an advisory group to develop a Hawaiʻi-specific, evidence-based worksite wellness recognition program that includes the following areas:
    • Asthma
    • Cancer
    • Diabetes
    • Heart Disease and Stroke
    • Physical Activity and Nutrition
    • Tobacco
  • Pilot the recognition program with a group of diverse employers and modify the program based on their feedback
Baseline Target Status Date- 07/01/2023
Very Small 0 10 0
Small 0 15 0
Medium 0 10 0
Large 0 5 0
Activities Responsible Parties Completed By
1. Convene an advisory group to develop a Hawai‘i specific, comprehensive WSW recognition program that will include all aspects of health HIPHI; AlohaCare; HMSA; Kaiser; UHA Health Insurance; DOH 2024
2. Pilot recognition program with a group of diverse employers HIPHI; AlohaCare; HMSA; Kaiser; UHA Health Insurance; DOH 2025
3. Establish infrastructure for program at the DOH, statewide DOH 2025
Long-Term Measures & Trackers

The long-term measures are broad measures that help assess progress toward achieving the Healthy Hawaiʻi Vision 2030.