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The HHSP objectives strive to create sustainable change that will transform our communities, schools, health care, and worksites to support the health of the people of Hawaiʻi. Stakeholders developed the HHSP objectives to shape policy, systems and environmental change in the four sector areas: Community Design and Access; Education; Health Care; and Worksite. The objectives are showcased by sector area and include key strategies, baseline, and target measures. The HHSP is meant to be a living document that is reviewed and updated throughout the plan’s timeframe. Implementation of the plan will be a collective effort by individuals and organizations across the state.
Sector Area Description: The Community Design and Access Sector includes places in the community where people live and play, such as public spaces (parks, community centers, and places of worship), physical infrastructure (sidewalks and bike lanes), and retail locations.
Sector Area Goal: All of Hawaiʻi’s people will live in communities that have access to tobacco- and nicotine-free settings, healthy food choices, physical activity opportunities, evidence-based chronic disease self-management programs, and minimal exposure to unhealthy options through policy, programs, communications, and environmental supports.
Develop and deliver at least one promotional activity to increase awareness of asthma education resources for non-clinical professionals.
- Identify stakeholders to establish a communications workgroup
- Convene communications workgroup regularly to develop messages tailored for targeted audience (e.g., coaches and/or caregivers)
- Identify media outlets that will reach targeted audience
- Disseminate messages through promotional activities (e.g., social media messages, posters, brochures, or other printed materials) and evaluate messages
Establish and sustain a funded, statewide Asthma Control Program Coordinator position to address the burden of asthma in the State of Hawaiʻi.
- Provide written support and/or meet with the Director of Health to document the need of a State Asthma Control Program
- Provide written support/testimony to legislature to fund the Asthma Control Program Coordinator position
Develop at least one multi-island, small media campaign and/or promotional activity to promote Hepatitis B virus vaccination to prevent cancer.
- Identify stakeholders such as Hepatitis Program and Hawaiʻi Comprehensive Cancer Coalition's (HCCC) Vaccine-Preventable Cancer Workgroup to establish a communications workgroup to develop a small media campaign
- Identify and secure resources for the campaign
- Evaluate the effectiveness of the campaign
Develop at least one multi-island, small media campaign and/or promotional activity to increase awareness about each of the following topics: cancer as a chronic disease; the importance of family history for cancer; clinical trials; palliative care and hospice; prostate cancer; and cancer survivorship and issues faced by cancer survivors.
- Collaborate with cancer partners like the University of Hawaiʻi Cancer Center and Kokua Mau, the Hawaii Genomics Program, and the HCCC Quality of Life Action Team to establish a communications workgroup to develop a small media campaign
- Identify and secure resources to develop the campaign
- Evaluate the effectiveness of the campaign
Develop at least one cancer survivorship and caregiver resource guide that will include follow-up care, lifestyle, psychosocial, and financial information.
- Establish a working group to develop the cancer survivorship resource guide in partnership with the HCCC Quality of Life Action Team
- Evaluate the validity and value of the cancer survivors and caregivers' resource guide
- Identify and secure resources to develop and update the guide
Increase by 20%, the proportion of adults who are diagnosed with cancer and participated in a cancer-related clinical trial.
- Address barriers to clinical trial participation and increase promotion of counter messages through outlets such as print, broadcast, and web-based media
- Integrate clinical trials into the training curriculum of academic institutions
- Identify and implement strategies to improve efficiency and resources related to clinical trials coordination for physicians
- Support access to clinical trials for neighbor island residents diagnosed with cancer
Establish at least one fully recognized National Diabetes Prevention Program site in the State of Hawaiʻi that provides online or distance learning.
- Support new organization(s) with the capacity to deliver the Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) virtually or via telehealth by facilitating and maintaining access to necessary technology
- Provide technical assistance to organizations in obtaining distance and hybrid National Diabetes Prevention Program (NDPP) CDC recognition
- Connect referring organizations to distance learning DPP sites
Establish at least three new American Diabetes Association recognized or Association of Diabetes Care and Education Specialists accredited Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support sites.
- Support new organizations seeking recognition or accreditation by covering the application fees on a once-in-a-lifetime basis and providing technical assistance
- Collaborate with American Diabetes Association, Association of Diabetes Care and Education Specialists, and local Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support (DSMES) sites to provide training and mentoring to new organizations
Develop and deliver at least two promotional activities to increase awareness of the preventability of heart disease and stroke.
- Identify stakeholders to establish a communications workgroup
- Convene communications workgroup regularly to develop messages tailored for targeted audience
- Identify media outlets that will reach targeted audience
- Disseminate messages through promotional activities (e.g., social media messages, posters, brochures, or other printed materials) and evaluate messages
Increase by 50%, the number of food outlets that participate in a statewide healthy food incentive program(s).
- Secure long-term funding for Hawaiʻi’s Double Up Food Bucks program, which matches Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) food stamp dollars spent on Hawaiʻi-grown produce
- Implement a statewide Produce Prescription Program, which enables participants to redeem "prescriptions" for produce at participating markets and grocery stores
Activities | Responsible Parties | Completed By |
1. Secure long-term funding for Hawai‘i’s DA BUX program | American Heart Association (AHA); Hawaii Public Health Institute (HIPHI); The Food Basket | 2024 |
2. Provide technical assistance to support the implementation of Produce Prescription Programs | Kokua Kalihi Valley (KKV); University of Hawaii (UH) Department of Human Nutrition, Food and Animal Sciences | 2023 |
3. Implement Local Institutional Purchasing Hui Oahu Good Food Purchasing Program (Act 175,176) in schools and hospitals | Department of Education (DOE); Department of Health (DO Department of Public Safety (DPS); Department of Defense (DOD); UH | Ongoing |
4. Work with Good Food Alliance to identify a platform where the same technology can be used to accept Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and WIC Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) | Maui Nui Food Alliance (MNFA); DOH; DOH, Women, Infants and Children (WIC) | 2024 |
Enact at least two statewide policies to increase access to healthy food and/or decrease access to unhealthy food/beverages.
- Enact a fee on sugar-sweetened beverages, where revenue is allocated to obesity prevention initiatives
- Establish long-term, state funding for a Double Up Food Bucks SNAP incentive program
Activities | Responsible Parties | Completed By |
1. Implement Healthy by Default policy across all counties | DOH | 2023-2024 |
2. Support DOH SSB counter-marketing campaign | AHA; HIPHI | 2023 |
3. Educate networks on need to reduce SSB consumption and the health risks associated with consumption | HIPHI; DOH; AHA | 2025 |
4. Support School Garden Coordinator to enhance nutritious food options in schools | DOE; HIPHI; DOH | 2025 |
5. Support the establishment of Medicaid coverage for Produce Prescription Programs | AlohaCare; Anti-Hunger Coalition | 2025 |
Establish and sustain a funded Food Access Coordinator in each county to facilitate an active coalition.
- Food access coalitions will create and implement county-level action plans aimed at increasing access to, and consumption of, healthy food
- Secure county funding to support the activities of the coordinator and food access coalition
Activities | Responsible Parties | Completed By |
1. Food access coalitions will create and implement county level action plans aimed at increasing access to and consumption of healthy food | DOH; Non-profit county agencies that house Food Access Coordinators (e.g., HIPHI, City and County, Malama Kaua‘i) | 2024 |
2. Secure county funding to support the activities of the coordinator and food access coalition | Non-profit county agencies that house Food Access Coordinators (e.g., HIPHI, City and County, Malama Kaua‘i) | 2025 |
3. Conduct a needs assessment | Non-profit county agencies that house Food Access Coordinators (e.g., HIPHI, City and County, Malama Kaua‘i); Evaluator | 2023 |
Establish and sustain a funded, statewide Breastfeeding Coordinator to facilitate efforts supportive of breastfeeding exclusivity and duration.
- Assess statewide resources and capacity to fund and establish state-level Breastfeeding Coordinator position
- Develop scope and position description to include knowledge of indigenous cultures and breastfeeding support needs
- Identify gaps and strategically integrate the breastfeeding coordinator position in a way that bridges these gaps
Activities | Responsible Parties | Completed By |
1. Assess statewide resources and capacity to fund and establish state-level breastfeeding coordinator position | DOH; HIPHI; Statewide Breastfeeding Workgroup; Breastfeeding Hawai‘i | 2023-2025 |
2. Develop scope and position description to include knowledge of indigenous cultures and breastfeeding support needs | DOH; HIPHI; Statewide Breastfeeding Workgroup; Breastfeeding Hawai‘i; Hawai‘i Indigenous Breastfeeding Collaborative; Papa Ola Lokahi | 2023-2024 |
3. Identify gaps and strategically integrate the breastfeeding coordinator in a way that bridges these gaps | DOH; HIPHI; Statewide Breastfeeding Workgroup; Lactation Access Transforming Communities in Hawai‘i (LATCH) | 2023-2024 |
Develop guidelines to promote healthy food donations and purchase of healthy food to be adopted by 100% of Hawaiʻi food banks.
- Convene a working group with representation from Hawaiʻi's foodbank network, to develop guidelines for healthy food donations
Activities | Responsible Parties | Completed By |
1. Convene a work group, with representation from Hawai‘i’s foodbank network, to develop guidelines for healthy food donations | DOH; HIPHI | 2023 |
2. Develop Healthy Food Bank Guidelines toolkit for Healthy Keiki Pantry | HIPHI, Healthy Eating Active Living (HEAL) Coalition Coordinators | 2024 |
3. Distribute Healthy Food in Hawai‘i: Guidelines for Food Banks, Pantries, Schools and Communities | HIPHI; AHA; MNFA | 2024 |
Increase by 50 miles, the total miles of low-stress pedestrian infrastructure including, but not limited to, sidewalks and trails.
- Incorporate the specifications for "desirable" level of service described in the Hawaiʻi Department of Transportation’s Pedestrian Toolbox into the development of low-stress pedestrian infrastructure
- Increase Safe Routes to Schools and Safe Routes to Parks programs and projects
- Develop policies to encourage shade tree planting, to increase canopy cover, on high volume pedestrian corridors and trails
- Increase share of state and county transportation budgets dedicated to pedestrian infrastructure
- Implement Vision Zero and Complete Streets policies to increase safety and comfort of pedestrian experience
Activities | Responsible Parties | Completed By |
1. Increase Safe Routes to Schools (SRTS) and Safe Routes to Parks (SRTP) programs and projects | DOH; HIPHI; AlohaCare (SRTS Working Group) | 2023-2025 |
2. Develop policies to create environments where trees can thrive, increasing and preserving canopy cover on high volume pedestrian corridors and trails | DOH; Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR); National Park Service (NPS) | 2024 |
3. Identify and update county-specific tree management plans | DLNR | 2023-2025 |
4. Provide accountability and evaluate Complete Streets and Vision Zero (VZ) implementation of Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)/ Environmental Assessment (EA) applications and other project proposals | DOH; HIPHI; AlohaCare (SRTS Working Group) | 2025 |
5. Establish a pipeline of projects from the pedestrian master plans, add to the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) and complete necessary planning and environmental reviews for a few projects each year | Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs); Department of Public Works; Planning Department; Department of Transportation | 2025 |
Increase by 100 miles, the total miles of low-stress bicycle infrastructure including, but not limited to, protected bike lanes and off-street paths.
- Increase Safe Routes to Schools and Safe Routes to Parks projects
- Develop policies to encourage shade tree planting, to increase canopy cover, on high volume bicycle corridors and trails
- Increase share of state and county transportation budgets dedicated to bicycle facilities
- Implement Vision Zero and Complete Streets policies and projects to increase safety and comfort of bicyclist experience
Activities | Responsible Parties | Completed By |
1. Increase Safe Routes to Schools (SRTS) and Safe Routes to Parks (SRTP) programs and projects | DOH; HIPHI; AlohaCare (SRTS Working Group) | 2023-2025 |
2. Develop policies to create environments where trees can thrive, increasing and preserving canopy cover on high volume pedestrian corridors and trails | DOH; Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR); National Park Service (NPS) | 2024 |
3. Identify and update county-specific tree management plans | DLNR | 2023-2025 |
4. Provide accountability and evaluate Complete Streets and Vision Zero (VZ) implementation of Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)/ Environmental Assessment (EA) applications and other project proposals | DOH; HIPHI; AlohaCare (SRTS Working Group) | 2025 |
5. Establish a pipeline of projects from the pedestrian master plans, add to the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) and complete necessary planning and environmental reviews for a few projects each year | Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs); Department of Public Works; Planning Department; Department of Transportation | 2025 |
The state and each county will identify and adopt mode-share goals and measurements that prioritize walking and wheelchairs, bicycling, and transit use.
- Develop context-appropriate county-level Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Plans to establish mode baselines
- Develop more inclusive and comprehensive metrics for measuring active transportation beyond work and school commutes
- Support development of community Safe Routes to School (SRTS) plans, funding of SRTS infrastructure, free transit for minors, etc
Baseline | Target | Status Date- 07/01/2024 | |
State | 0 | 1 | 0 |
County | 0 | 4 | 1 |
Activities | Responsible Parties | Completed By |
1. Develop more inclusive and comprehensive metrics for measuring active transportation beyond work and school commutes | DOH; MPOs; Hawaii State Energy Office (HSEO) | 2022-2025 |
2. Conduct statewide and county-specific technical assistance (TA) and workshops on mode share transportation management | DOH; HSEO; HIPHI; O‘ahu MPO | 2022-2025 |
3. Develop context-appropriate county-level Transportation Demand Management Plans to establish goals and baselines | All Counties | 2025 |
Increase by 10%, the proportion of existing urbanized land that is zoned to support walkable communities.
- Promote Equitable Transit Oriented Development (ETOD), town centers, mixed-use development, and upzoning for new development and zoning updates
- Adopt parking policy reforms to reduce parking oversupply, unbundle residential parking, reduce or eliminate parking minimums, and/or shift costs
- Change Level-of-Service to Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) in environmental review of new development
Activities | Responsible Parties | Completed By |
1. Develop a communications campaign to promote Equitable Transit Oriented Development (ETOD), town centers, mixed-use development, and up zoning for new development and zoning updates | AlohaCare; HIPHI | 2025 |
2. Adopt parking policy reforms to reduce parking oversupply, unbundle residential parking, reduce or eliminate parking minimums, shift costs | Ulupono Initiative; AARP | 2025 |
3. Convene stakeholders at Hawai‘i Congress of Planning Officials to bring planners together and discuss zoning | Planning Department; AlohaCare; DOH | Annually |
Enact at least five more county or state policies to decrease access to all tobacco products, including electronic smoking devices or other novel, emerging tobacco products.
- Establish regulatory parity for cigarettes, electronic smoking devices (ESDs), and emerging products, etc (e.g. impose taxes, licensing/permitting/restricting online sales, etc)
- Prohibit the sale of all flavored tobacco products including menthol
Establish at least two more statewide policies that increase access to cessation services.
- Establish a MedQUEST policy that requires health plans to offer expanded evidence-based cessation service options
- Establish a policy to formally coordinate services between the Hawaiʻi Tobacco Quitline (HTQL), community cessation providers, and a private or public insurance provider to promote access to services to consumers
- Establish a policy that requires insurance companies to expand reimbursement for youth cessation
Establish at least two more county or state policies that eliminate exposure to secondhand smoke.
- Enact a smoke-free multi-unit housing ordinance in all four major counties
- Establish policies that increase resources for smoke-free policy enforcement (at parks, beaches, public housing, etc)

The long-term measures are broad measures that help assess progress toward achieving the Healthy Hawaiʻi Vision 2030.